Thursday, August 20, 2009

Little of This and a Little of That

I had a winning night online. I think I won $8. I won a $10 SnG and split 2 $5 SnGs. So after the fees probably $8 bucks. Before that I was like 2 for 22 in HU SnGs which is pretty hard to do since alot of them just come down to big coin flips. Im trying to have the attitude that Im just playing the chips in whatever tournament Im in and not letting the fact that its only $5 effect my play. Let my bankroll determine the stakes. Sounds good in theory but we all have seen what I do when I get pissed about bad luck. Whatever. I shall finish the game Doc. I think I will eventually put $600 together and deposit to a new site and get the 100% bonus. Seems like a no brainer. Just never go broke. I havent gone broke yet. Ive never deposited more than once except for like 5 years ago when I got strung out on Ultimate Bets 3/6 limit game. Pain that will last forever there.

I think Im gonna get a little deeper into football wagering this year. I might pick 3 or 4 games a week and put $10 or $20 bucks on each. There are so many good people rooting for both teams that my cursed luck couldnt possibly effect the outcome of a college football game right? I got a friend who every time I have used his picks in my college pickem pool I have pwned my office. I'd like to start putting some money in stocks too. Seems like it would be fun. Seems like you would need a lot to invest to actually see anything quick and meaningful unless you just get super lucky. Im gonna get my golf game crankin again too. Right now Im about a 18 handicap (I think thats bogey golf right?). I got basketball league coming up and Im playing soccer too which is going to be so brutal I cant even imagine the amount of pain it will cause. My boss wanted me to play so I did. Time is going to be hard to manage pretty soon what with sports and poker and doing homework all the frickin time with my kid. I better make sure I throw the wife a few dates too. Jeez. Keeping myself entertained is a full time job.

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